Today I have placed more pH balance into my aquarium and the pH levels are at a safe 7.5.
Dr. Samantha Kyler
12/2/2013 11:48:13 pm

Denver, I really need to see a lot more in your blog posts. I need to see that you know what is going on and what your are learning from this experience. Yes I see that you have an aquatic ecosystem, but do you have any plants in your biome? What other kinds of fish and other living things are in it? Can you put pictures on your blog to show me what all is going on?

Dr. Maddie Ross
12/3/2013 12:05:26 am

Good morning Denver!! Looking over your blog, Blog are suppose to be a paragraph, which is at least 5 sentences. You need to be putting a lot more detail into your blogs. How are we suppose to know what is going on if there are not pictures or detailed blogs to prove that there even is an ecosystem? Why do you say that your science teacher is looking for saltwater plants and fish when your pictures states that your ecosystem is a freshwater? You really need to make this blog look good and make sure that you have good information that is posted on it!

Dr. Chin
12/5/2013 06:48:16 am

What is most surprising thing about this project that you have learned?


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