We have had one neon tetra die today. One of my mystery snails the larger black snail has had a baby. I have also seen another baby snail being born just now.
Dr. Jaimie Mayweather
12/2/2013 11:54:22 pm

Hi Denver! I am excited that I found your website and get to see your post about the progression of your biome! I just have a few questions. How many different finds of fish and creatures do you have in your aquarium? What kind of rock bottom do you have, or do you even have a rock bottom? Are there any kinds of plants in the water with the fish? Also, I would like to see you write a lot more then you are now. If you could just explain more in what you are doing that would greatly appreciated!

Denver Page
12/6/2013 12:39:38 am

The type of rock bottom I have Dr. Mayweather is pea gravel. There is exactly one hibiscus plant in my aquarium. The species of fish that I have are: 1 Tiger Oscar 1 Minnow 1 Neon Tetra My Fruit Tetra are dead the Tiger Oscar has eaten one of them and the snails have eaten the other one.


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